Complaints Policy

Do you have a problem with our services?

If you are not satisfied with any part of our service, you have a right to complain to us. We welcome any complaints or suggestions as they help us to improve our services to you.

How to make a complaint?

You may contact Kidsafe NSW staff by phone, fax, post or email. If your complaint is of a confidential nature, you should contact the Executive Officer.

How will your complaint be dealt with?

Issues surrounding your complaint will be investigated and current practice amended if found to be inadequate.

The investigation will ensure that all information including the name or identity of the person/organisation complaining and any other private information will only be given to the people involved with investigating the complaint.

All practical steps will be taken to ensure that the complainant(s) and others who provide information will be protected from repercussions, reprisals and victimisation.

You will be informed of the outcome of the investigation as soon as practicable.

What should you do if you are not satisfied?

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation or the process used to handle the complaint, you should put your concerns in writing to the Council Chair so that the matter can be addressed by Kidsafe NSW Council.

If the matter cannot be resolved at this level, the complaint between parties can be handled through Community Justice Centres