Play Time

I can do this! - 5-8 years old

Play is a crucial learning experience where children develop physically and socially. Children learn to interact within a variety of environments and with different groups of people. Play is also how children learn about themselves and can be very calming for a child.

Ensure your child has time set aside each day for free play (with appropriate supervision) to become familiar with their neighbourhood, meet other children and explore the natural environment such as parks, ovals and beaches.

Choose parks that suit the ability of your child. The right park should allow them to enjoy the play space, be active, social and creative. It should also have an element of achievable challenge too.

Remember to apply sunscreen, wear hats and appropriate clothing when you are encouraging outside play. You can reinforce these behaviours by role modeling sun smart strategies such as avoiding the peak hours of the day between 10am and 3pm.

For more information on outdoor play visit:


Kidsafe NSW Playground Advisory Unit Information Sheets



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Cancer Council NSW