
I can do this! - 5-8 years old

Playing with toys is an important aspect of your child’s learning and development . Toys allow for solo play or play with others. Children explore family roles, language, problem solving, decision making and experience feeling good about themselves.

When purchasing or receiving new toys check that they meet the Australian Standards. This ensures that the design eliminates sharp edges, brittle plastics or small parts. Prior to accepting second hand toys for your child, always check the condition of the item and each of its parts.

If you are unsure about the use or value of a toy seek further information from the manufacturer or retailer regarding the recommended age range for certain toys. A toy that is too challenging may be frustrating and not a positive experience for your child. A toy that provides little challenge will quickly make its way to the bottom of the pile. For ideas and recommendations, discuss toy selection with other parents and your local toy library.

For more information about toys visit:

Australian Toy Association



 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission



Playgroup Australia



For information on safe toys and product recalls visit:


Alerts and Recalls



  Transport for NSW- Safety on wheels