Home & Community Safety

Kidsafe NSW is dedicated to reducing the number and severity of unintentional child injuries through promoting child safety.

The safety of children may be affected by:Family

  • Unsafe environmental conditions
    • Access to dangerous items or situations that are inappropriate to the child's understanding and stage of development.
  • Unsuitable activities
    • A small child may not be aware of the dangers involved of using scissors. The activity does not match with the child’s abilities and stage of development.
  • Lack of adult supervision
    • Parents / carers may over-estimate their child’s abilities to cope in different situations or environments or underestimate the potential for dangers in various situations and environments to children.

Remember: children are very curious and will take every opportunity to learn and experience their environment. They can be ‘out of sight’ very quickly!  Go to Growing Kids Active Kids for great information for all ages and stages of children. 

Child Safety Is No Accident