Safe Sleeping
Safer Infant Sleep Tips
Provide your baby with a safer sleep environment by following simple steps. See the resources below for more informaiton.
Keeping Baby Safe : a guide to nursery furniture
This booklet is an Australian Government publication providing information to help you make sure your child’s nursery is a safe place. The brochure is available in English can be downloaded by clicking on the Visit Website link.
Safe sleep evnironments for babies
Information about co-sleeping with babies from 0-12 months. Available from Raising Children Network.
Red Nose
Research into Sleep Safe My Babysafe sleeping practices for babies and infants has greatly reduced the risk of Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy (SUDI formerly referred to as SIDS)
For information on safe sleeping, tummy time, recommended room temperature, wrapping baby comfortably and many other important tips on caring for your baby visit Red Nose by clicking on the Visit Website link.