Becoming Worksmart
Keen Teens! 12-14 years old
With the commencement of high school a different expectation is placed on your child to perform and manage their workload. They might also be considering options for paid work in the near future or for the later years of high school.
Therefore, what better time to begin practicing time management skills, meeting requirements and completing set tasks. It is also important to discuss with your child the factors that may prevent school work from being completed. Each of these skills can be practiced and gained from school or chores around the home.
When your child is ready to pursue paid employment make sure that both of you are well informed of worker’s expectations and rights in the workplace. Take the time to talk this through with your child and assist with initial contacts, the preparation of a resume, and interview skills. Your teen may also be offered opportunities to look after others’ children or babysitting. It is a good idea to talk this through with you child and complete a first aid course.