Getting Around
School Rules! - 9-11 years old
Encourage your child to experience, and explore their local community. Around ten years of age a child’s brain develops so that they improve their ability to look and assess possible hazards in the environment such as on-coming cars. For this reason children still need to be actively supervised around roads until they are at least ten years old.
Set a good example as children are always watching. Show them by example, how to behave in and around traffic.
As you are walking, talk with your child about why you are stopping, and what you are looking for. Explain to them where it is safer to cross roads and why. Remind children to look around before crossing roads and to listen to the different sounds of the traffic - establish good practice.
Children will have a good grasp of rules and responsibilities and some understanding of consequence. At this age use clear instructions and structure their experience to suit their stage of development. Communication, preparation and organisation will ensure that you and your child have an agreed understanding of where they are going, what they are doing and how long they will be.
Get to know your neighbourhood, visit your parks and playgrounds and involve your family in local clubs and organisations! Knowing your neighbours provides you and your family with a sense of belonging. It is important to talk to your child about stranger danger and communities can provide a safe and supportive network where people watch out and care.