Child Car Seats (Child Restraints)
Children are our most vulnerable road users. To keep children safe on our roads Kidsafe NSW recommends the following safety tips when travelling in vehicles:
Ensure children are always seated in the most appropriate child car seat for their age and size.
- Buckle up every child on every trip.
- Make sure the child car seat is installed correctly.
- Make sure that the harness of the child car seat has been properly adjusted for the child using it.
- Check the child car seat meets the Australian Standards AS/NZS 1754.
- Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using your child car restraint.
- If you are using a second hand child car restraint, make sure you know the history of the child car seat and that it is less than 10 years of age.
- Replace any child car seat that has been in an accident.
- Ensure your child has exceeded the maximum size limits of the child car seat before moving them to the next stage.
Child car seats must be installed in the second row of seats in a car. For further information please contact Kidsafe NSW.
In this section, you will also find information on national guidelines, choosing the right car seat, getting it fitted and other useful tips. Please click on the green buttons below for more information.
The Wiggles - Beep, Beep, Buckle Up!
A big thanks to The Wiggles for their contribution to 2012 National Kidsafe Day - a great road safety song, 'Beep, Beep, Buckle Up'. Good luck getting it out of your head!!!!!